In a move that shouldn't be surprising to anyone, Sprint has made a Galaxy Nexus variant tailored for its own CDMA2000 and LTE network official in an announcement today. Back in January, news of its upcoming Galaxy Nexus variant was leaked through an online Ad placement, and back then the copy included mention of a 1.5 GHz SoC.

The official announcement today brings the Sprint Galaxy Nexus' OMAP4460 clock down to 1.2 GHz, same as its GSM/UMTS (International - maguro) and CDMA/LTE (Verizon - toro). The thought back then was that Sprint would run the SoC at its maximum specified clocks to keep the variant fresh and exciting, no doubt battery concerns and the realities of engineering resulted in it being scaled back. 

The Sprint Galaxy Nexus (CDMA/LTE) model includes support for 5MHz FDD-LTE only on PCS 1900 (LTE Band 25) and no doubt will use the same combination of Samsung's CMC221 baseband for LTE and a Via CBP-7.1 for 1x/EVDO. Interestingly enough the antennas appear to have been moved around compared to the Verizon CDMA/LTE model. 


Preorders have already started on Sprint's own microsite for the device. As mentioned in the headline, Sprint is selling the Galaxy Nexus for $199 on two year contract, but also giving users a $40 Google wallet credit within three weeks.

Source: Sprint, Sprint Fact Sheet, Sprint Preorder Site

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  • jjrudey - Monday, April 16, 2012 - link

    That sounds like a pretty good deal. Minus the Sprint part though.
  • retrospooty - Monday, April 16, 2012 - link

    I got to play with a Verizon Galaxy Nexus for about 10 mins setting it up for a user. OMG, the screen is huge and beautiful. Really nice phone.
  • irev210 - Tuesday, April 17, 2012 - link

    Why "pretty good deal minus the sprint part"?
  • mcnabney - Wednesday, April 18, 2012 - link

    I think the point was that Sprint's network isn't the best. If it is good where you live, have a cookie, but it has never been great and ever since they started selling off their towers to raise money the experience with Sprint has been hit or miss at best. They are a fine example of "you get what you pay for".
  • Midwayman - Tuesday, April 24, 2012 - link

    56k modem 3g speeds on sprint where I am. They were okay until they got the iphone. Sprint is oversold.
  • agent2099 - Monday, April 16, 2012 - link

    This phone's hardware will be obsolete by the time it releases on Sprint. If the HTC one phones are 199 the galaxy on Sprint will not have a chance.
  • stadisticado - Tuesday, April 17, 2012 - link


    On what basis will it be obsolete? Will it not adequately operate in the conditions demanded of it? Will the hardware get zapped by a HTC One/Galaxy S III ray and stop functioning? Will the screen suddenly be B&W?

    Might it be 5-10% slower on benchmarks? Sure. Might its screen be slightly less enthralling compared to competitors? Maybe. Will anyone who doesn't review phones for a living notice either of these in daily use? Less likely.

    Will this still be a phone that gets the latest updates as soon as they're available without rooting? Yes.

    I'll be generous and give you outdated. But obsolete? Give me a break.
  • retrospooty - Tuesday, April 17, 2012 - link

    I am pretty sure he just meant that people will look at this and that and buy that over this.
  • prophet001 - Tuesday, April 17, 2012 - link

    would anyone want to use Google wallet. After what they've shown the world they think of your right to your own information. For that matter, why would anyone want to use Google anything?
  • niva - Tuesday, April 17, 2012 - link

    Considering the alternatives I'm surprised you even have to ask this question.

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